Why Defund The Politicians?
When it comes to politics, there are various issues that people want to discuss and show their opinions about.
Politics are complicated and macro because it’s involved in activities associated with the governance of a country or another area, or it is related to activities of governments concerning the political relations between countries. Whether people are happy and satisfied with the present Political institutions or not?
People – who care about politics and political issues, often care about Politicians who often promise to solve all a country’s problems at a stroke. However, under the control of multiple political parties, two of them are Republicans and Democrats, people still have to face up with a lot of social issues happening day by day, to name but a few: racism, riot, refugee, migrants, etc.
Defund Politicians T-Shirt
Recall, impeach, defund – That’s the expression we spend for the politicians, the Government.
The t-shirt is showing the statement of thousands of people in the US, UK, those who support the movement to defund the politicians. Because we believe that there are parts of the budget that are not essential for public safety!
How are they getting paid more than our workers, teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, scientists, etc when all they do is tweet and do…nothing.
Their words “speak louder” than actions. The chaos in Afghanistan? The crisis in borders? The refugee settlement? The racism? What did they do for us? Nothing!
With just a simple word “DEFUND POLITICIANS” can say it all. And we do understand its powerful meaning!